Donate and get some plants

Help us grow the rescue and we’ll help you grow some plants!

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Make a donation and we’ll send you one of the plants or plant packs in your selected category. Yes of course you can buy plants cheaper but by donating to Florida Fish Rescue youre not just getting plants you’re saving the fish and natural habitats so you get more than just a plant for your aquarium you get healty natural evironments in which to boat, fish, swim and frolic. Now thats a good deal.

Category 1 plants: choose one.

Amazon Sword
Amazon Sword
Cryptocorynes Wendtii Green
Cryptocorynes Wendtii Green
Cryptocorynes Wendtii Red
Cryptocorynes Wendtii Red
Hornwort Bunch Plant
Hornwort Bunch Plant
Java Fern
Java Fern
Ludwigia Red Bunch Plant
Ludwigia Red Bunch Plant
Myrio Green/ Foxtail Green Bunch Plant
Myrio Green/ Foxtail Green Bunch
Rangeri Sword Plant
Rangeri Sword Plant
Rotala Indica Bunch

Category 2 plants: choose one.

Anubias Barteri
Anubias Barteri
Anubias Barteri
Anubias Barteri
Anubias Coffeefolia
Anubias Coffeefolia
Anubias Congensis
Anubias Congensis
Anubias Frazeri
Anubias Frazeri
Anubias Hastifolia
Anubias Hastifolia
Anubias Nana
Anubias Nana
Anubias Nana - Petite
Anubias Nana – Petite
Anubias Nana Golden
Anubias Nana Golden
Anubias Nancon
Anubias Nancon
Anubias Nangi
Anubias Nangi

Category 3 plants: choose one.

Driftwood with Anubias
Driftwood with Anubias
Banana Plant
Banana Plant
Java Fern Mat
Java Fern Mat Medium
Java Lace Fern
Java Lace Fern
Cryptocoryne Wendtii Pink Flamingo
Cryptocoryne Wendtii Pink Flamingo
Your Donation
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